Monday, November 12, 2007

Why me?

I am so humbled by how my God invests in my life that words cannot begin to explain it.

For the life of me I can't explain why on earth God would spend time to invest in me the way he does. Follow me on my journey this morning...

Check out what Craig Groeschel at wrote on leadership today.

This is such an amazing concept. I want to take it beyond just staff though. Our church uses so many volunteer leaders who have real power over their teams and a real chance to connect with their volunteers. We need to challenge ourselves to take seriously our responsibility to know our team and focus on their spiritual walk in addition to our other duties.

Yesterday I took a field trip back to Newspring Church with a few of the other members of Elevation. The trip itself was very insightful for us, and so was the time spent with the 5 of us. On the way back to our car, Lindsey mentioned something about Willow Creek doing a study, finding out they made some mistakes, something something. We tried to follow what she was saying but I think none of us got the message.

This morning, while reading the blog I stumbled on a comment made by a woman with her own blog. On her blog she mentioning Willow Creek and their research study, the same study Lindsey was telling us about last night. I followed the link to an article, and then a link in the article to Willow Creeks own site.

I can promise you a large sum of money I would never have gone that far had Linsdey not mentioned this last night. Thank you so much girl!!

So here's my Amen moment. On top of God already revealing and challenging me in an area of leadership I had neglected above, he showed me this video that must be watched.

Greg Hawkins of Willow Creek

By the end of the video I was seriously in tears. My entire view on creating disciples in the church was identical to that of Willow Creek. A strategy that does not work. I have to pull two things from today.

1. God is actively preparing me for something that he has yet to reveal, but that is so far beyond me that I have to lean on him with all my heart to have the slightest chance of success.
2. God is moving in the Church and I think we're all in the midst of the largest revolution Christianity has seen in a thousand years!!

Praise Jesus!!


Lindsey said...

What I said was probably incoherent in some ways because I didn't have the email I got in front of me and the person who sent it to me just sent it in the wrong spirit, which had me irked. That can be expounded upon later and in person. Sorry it really wasn't very clear at the time (I promise it was in my head though! haha).

I'm glad you got some insight on some things that you are very passionate about!!

I did in fact end up crying watching that video. We should discuss sometime, amigo. Maybe coffee or something.

Anonymous said...

God is like...oh my dang!

Jennica said...

Good golly Rob! Thank you for this post and for what you have to say. That first link about leadership was such a different incite that I'm used to but so incredibly awesome. I have about 10 or so more things to say about this but I just wrote a long post and I'm not too keen on writing a comment longer than your original post. All I have to say for now is AMEN!

Michael said...

Thank you so much for all of the links. The articles have me questioning tradition and look at things differently.