Thursday, November 15, 2007

Big "C" Church

I'm so glad to see the new emerging Church in America. A group of communities that are passionate about seeing the word of God preached, and not consumed with their own agenda.

I've spent the last week thumbing through the vast amount of materials that churches now make available for free on the internet. Many have entire sermons available complete with videos and graphics. Others post their music, skits, messages, and promotions to give you ideas and further the cause of Christ.

10 years ago anything you got from another church, you paid for. You didn't talk to the Lutheran church down the street, and you certainly didn't rejoice when they did something controversial and thousands of people showed up to hear the gospel. But things are changing now. We can rejoice at the success of those around us. We can rejoice when we see Church grow. We can partner with Christians that may have different theological beliefs from ourselves, because we see they are passionate about spreading the word of God.

I know I gave her a shout out earlier this week, but Brittney has made the single greatest blog post I think I have ever encountered, and you all need to check it out. I can think of no better way to close that that.

Read it here.

1 comment:

Michael said...


When I was little I remember always being baffled by the idea that there were different Christians but they were different because they went to a different church. And while you could be friends with them, you really shouldn't be. I love that we are moving away from that mentality.
We were talking the other day about how the church should always have a united front, those in the church may not always see eye to eye but they should still stand together. This needs to be done by the Christian church as a whole. A quote comes to mind, " We either live together or we die alone."
While I don't think the Christian church will die, I don't think that we would accomplish all that God wants the Church to accomplish.

Thanks for the link to Brittney's post, it is great.