Monday, November 26, 2007

The sense of depth

Perspective is such a vital component in life. Without it, we become two dimensional. Our sense of urgency and duty can become so skewed and we can waste so many resources on such frivolous things.

I'm going to keep up the world focus theme of the blog that has arisen recently and shift focus to Africa today. I remember the first time I heard about the war in Uganda via Invisible Children but it is so easy to lose sight of anything beyond our shores. There are some new videos and such up that we all need to spend some time with today and remember to put things into perspective.

Don't lose sight of the great commission. Don't lose sight of our call to help the poor and suffering. Don't lose sight of our duty as Christians and human beings to wake up and fix the world around us in a real and meaningful way. Use your resources wisely and always seek to deepen your perspective.

Now please watch the human side.


kelly said...

While I'm reading all of your books, you should borrow and read the one I bought at Barnes and Noble that day: Red Letters.
It's about the church and their response, or lack thereof, to stuff like that. I think the book itself focuses more specifically on the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa.
Good stuff.

Lindsey said...

You are making my life right now. I love love hearing the things people are passionate about. This reminds me of something I wrote a while back along similar wavelengths.

You rock, Rob!