Saturday, November 10, 2007

So What?

Passiveness is a big problem today. I truly feel it is the root cause of nearly all of the things men struggle with.

Not only do I struggle with it every day, but I grew up in a house of men who struggled with it. My father was an incredible dad, an amazingly successful business man, and could be extremely passive at times. Even as a 5 year old child I could see this play out in his life. When I got older and began to struggle with it, I made the decision to not let it grip me in the same way.

But why is it such a problem for us? If you look at Genesis 3:6, I would argue passiveness is the original sin, not Eve disobeying God. Adam set the stage for us, so again I’ll ask why is it such an issue?

I think there are a few answers to this problem.

Sometimes stepping up and putting yourself on the line (ie being a man) requires a sacrifice. I think some times we are so consumed in our own little world that we won’t step outside of our comfort and be men.

I believe this is the biggest one. Our insecurity tells us to play it safe and not take action. We think this is the best path because lets face it, we’ve all stepped up at one point and immediately regretted it. But how often do we immediately regret passiveness? Typically, the problems we create (even though they’re more damaging in the long run) don’t manifest themselves for long periods of time, or are transferred to other people. Because of our insecurity as men, I think many times we pick what we assume (and have been conditioned to feel) is the “safe road”.

Our lack of scope causes many problems. We lose focus or vision or whatever you want to call it. If we can continuously remind ourselves what is at stake, what are the consequences and what are the rewards, we can get a grasp on this problem. Satan downplays things in our lives, and it’s time we bring them back into the spot light and remember how much destruction they can cause.

So what are your thoughts? There are few areas I am more passionate about and I really want to hear insight from others. Comment and let me know what your take is on this issue.

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