Friday, November 9, 2007

Then you're Passive.

Ok, here it is. The one everyone has been waiting on.

I freaking hate PMS!!

Passive Man Syndrome….

Literally, it makes me irate just thinking about it. Like it or not, God has called us men to step up and be leaders, fighters, and defenders. However, I keep running into passive men over and over again. We think being passive is the safe road, but it doesn’t work like that bro-ham.

I am sick of seeing my brothers in Christ abuse their girlfriends emotions just to make themselves feel more secure. I’m sick of guys not being open and honest and allowing doubt and worry enter their relationships. I’m sick of guys talking down to girls. I’m sick of guys who can’t make a decision. I’m sick of guys who won’t defend their girlfriends in public or private. I’m sick of guys who are selfish in their relationships. I’m sick of guys that pretend they are better that their girlfriend spiritually.

Here’s the deal guys, get over it and do it fast! Grow up already and be a man.

If you’re going to date, make her spiritual walk with Christ the focus of your relationship. See that you are serving her in every conceivable way with a desire to deepen her connection with God. Be a brother in Christ and protect her fiercely. Don’t cause her to stumble. Don’t be a source of temptation, but one of inspiration and support. Spur her onto good deeds. That is your mission on this earth!!

If you’re lucky enough to have girls that allow you to speak into their lives, you are called to the same standard! It’s frickin time that men acted like men. It’s time to make it a priority to protect ALL of our sisters. For the life of me I can’t understand why Christian men look at their sisters in Christ as something to consume.

Consume her beauty. Consume her body. Consume her heart.

Can you imagine a world of true Christian men…

Protect her beauty. Protect her body. Protect her heart.


kelly said...

1. i think you mean "then" rather than "than"
2. bro-ham?
3. awesome post
4. the phrase "we protect what we value" continually comes to mind.
5. maybe it's the girls' turn to do a reciprocative post on what we can do to help you guys do what you do. haha

Lindsey said...

A. Dang good post.
B. That spelling disability of yours is still a problem, I see?
C. I heard some of the most awesome comparisons as to how guys should treat girls, girlfriend or not, at a conference back in HS. The first was recalling Christmas as a kid. You're about to receive a gift, but your mom and dad tell you not to open it until the time is right. I think you can see the comparison. The other just hits me so hard and it could go either way with girls treating guys and vice versa (dating or not), you're around someone else's future husband or wife. Careful what you do, what you say, what you see. You wouldn't want someone doing/saying/seeing things with your future husband or wife. Very humbling and a good reminder when it comes to how we treat each other.
D. Reciprocative post, would be amusing. Just imagine if Adam and Michael, etc. got on a post like this and then K Mac, Jenniqua and I and whoever else did the same... Heck, this could be the post!
E. I'm clearly bad with numbers. :)

Michael said...

That makes me totally reevaluate all my past actions around women. I have to say that I see things I wish that I said or done differently because they didn't help build our sisters up.

Even though I am not a mean person (as far as I can tell) I am filled with sadness for those that I have, might have cause to stumble, or even just hurt.

Thank you, I have known this but I never really thought or tried to act on it.