Monday, March 17, 2008

Unleash Recap

Note: This blog was written 4 days ago but I have been without internet.

Unleash has come and gone and it certainly was an experience. There are so many thoughts and feelings that I have that I wasn’t expecting.

  1. My work with student ministry and student small groups lately has been a tremendous eye opener. I was involved in the middle school ministry at Newspring for over 4 years as a small group leader and volunteer before getting the opportunity to serve as a ministry leader within Elevation. That role forced me to look at so many things from my past and I now realize how many times I failed at being a great small group leader in the past. I hope I have an opportunity to help our new small group leaders avoid the mistakes I made and do better myself when I get my own group.
  2. Alden Ellis and Brad Cooper were amazing during their breakout. I really expected to hear so many things that I already knew (I was involved in their ministry just 6 months ago) but they did a phenomenal job explaining not just what they did, but why they do it. They shared their goals in the ministry and related all of their activities to those. It was tremendously helpful and I am so grateful that God has placed the two of them in the position they are in.
  3. God solidified AGAIN that I have a ridiculous passion for student ministry.
  4. Perry Noble is amazing! I think at some point I started taking him for granted when I went to Newspring, especially the last year I was there. I don’t know if it was the separation over the last 6 months or the culture of honoring our Pastor as the man of God that is called to lead the church (thank you Elevation) that has changed my mind but I am so grateful for Perry and his heart. Seeing him up on stage preaching and sharing gave me such a tremendous amount of respect for him and I really want to apologize for taking him for granted. Perry had such a tremendous impact on my walk and I don’t know why I let that fact slip away. Every step I took in the first 4 years of my walk with Christ I took at Newspring Church. Thank you so much Perry for being unapologetic and uncompromising in bringing the word of God. Thank you for pouring yourself into the church, your staff, and your congregation. And thank you for pouring your resources into Elevation and Pastor Steven!
  5. On that same note, Perry’s message was fantastic. Coming from Orange Tour a month ago, I was expecting witty teaching, radical new ideas, and creative activities. What I got was the word of God, the word of God, and the word of God. Unleash for me was a time to reflect, refocus, and reexamine things. Perry once again spurred me in my walk with Christ and as a “leader” there is no greater concept than ultimate hunger for Jesus.
  6. Just before coming to Elevation, God really pulled my heart away from Newspring. I knew and saw all the amazing things around me but I just couldn’t engage with them on the same level anymore. Even when I came back to visit, it never was the same. Today though, about 20 miles away, I started to get tremendously excited. I mean Elevation Level excitement!! By the time my feet hit the parking lot I wanted to scream and hug every volunteer there. My heart was bursting with joy at the sight of the church and the volunteers. Seeing old friends and being continuously welcomed in amazing over the top ways made my day. I want to thank each and every one of my friends, pastors, and volunteers because you reminded me how important those relationships are/were and how much I value our friendship.
  7. Every volunteer at Newspring was a freaking nut and it was amazing!!!! Put some blue shirts on them and they could have passed for Elevators. It was crazy for me to see my old friends run up to me, scream, high five, and get pumped to see me. The ridiculously awesome thing though, was to see dozens of volunteers that I’ve never met before and had no idea I use to be one of them do the exact same thing. Kudos +2 for the volunteers at Unleash!!

OK, those are enough random thoughts for tonight. I have an entirely separate blog planned for what God taught me at Unleash that I’m going to start working on right now.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

It was soooooo great seeing you at Unleash!!!! :) Miss you and so happy that you are doing so well!