Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My life is a headache...

I don't know what it is about my head but it is always causing me problems. Either my sinuses are trashed because of dust or allergies, or I get headaches. So far I have found I get headaches when I...
  • Don't eat enough (high metabolism)
  • Drink a lot of soft drinks then stop (caffeine withdrawal)
  • Have an irregular sleep schedule
  • Sleep restlessly
Then there are the times I get them and don't know why. One thing is for sure though, if I go to sleep with even a mild headache, I wake up with a bad migraine. I have learned to take Advil before going to sleep or else I will ruin the next day almost guarenteed. Last night, I went to sleep with a headache. I woke up three hours later with a bad migraine. Why? Because I was to lazy/tired/stupid to take some Advil.

Isn't it interesting how we all wander into sin the exact same way? If we are honest, we know better don't we? We know when we're on the edge of a dangerous situation, and we know how to get out of it. How many guys have gone down the wrong path because they were careless on the internet one night? How many girls have slipped because they couldn't walk away from a relationship they knew was going to be damaging?

When the Holy Spirit is shouting at us that we have a headache, we need to take our Advil and stop the process before it leads to a full blown migraine. It's always the little things that lead to the full blown mistakes!

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