Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What is the deal with technology?

Friday afternoon I was working on my computer. Around 5PM I turned it off and drove down south. A few hours later I went to turn the computer back on and was greeted with "Failed to load Operating System".

Some random file on some obscure section of my hard drive decided to corrupt, rendering the boot sector a total wash. Now, my computer isn't vital to my daily activities. There's nothing I need to do on it to survive, yet I spent two days doing almost nothing because I just didn't know how to function without it. Technology has become so integral to our lives that without it we have trouble falling into our groove don't we?

The crazy thing is that it's only going to get worse (or better. Glass half full?) because technology is entering every part of our lives. As we near the end of our natural lives they are predicting computers will be so cheap they can literally be implanted in everything. The fibers of our clothes, the asphalt in the road, inside paper....

My grandchild will likely have a supercomputer the size of an iPod that he carries around with him to keep him safe and organized. So I guess now would be a good time to say there is really no point to this rant aside from the fact that it really has become clear to me in the past few days how much we now rely on technology and how much more so that will be the case in the future.

Interesting side note, 3 of the last 5 books I've read have been on my laptop.


kelly said...

That's one thing I can never do on the computer: read books. It's really weird to me that you do that. But hey as long as you're reading, right?

Michael said...

Don't forget how computers will be implanted into people before too long.
Some big news station got the Forbes lead editor to see how long he could go without computers, cellphones, PDAs, or anything else. So he only could use a landline phone. He last three days and broke down in tears.

Now part of it was because he was raising his daughter by himself but still only three days.