Tuesday, October 9, 2007

How solid is your vision?

Proverbs 29:18(a) tells us

"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint" (NIV)
"When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild" (NLT)
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (KJV)

I freaking love this verse! It reminds me of the consequences, but more importantly, it reminds me of how easy it is to lose my way. The second I lose sight of my future, that's the second I make poor choices in my present.

I'm a pretty weird guy. For example, I am passionately in love with my kids. For those of you who know me that's a pretty funny statement since I don't have any kids yet. In fact I'm about as single as it gets. Suffice it to say, it will be a long time before I get to meet my children, but I stinking love them all the same.

As a single 25 year old, it's way too easy to rush into a relationship or even marriage, but when I think about my kids, things get a whole lot different. I am not willing to settle on the mother of my kids. The woman who will raise them and teach them many of the values they will carry though their lives is the second most important person they will ever know next to Christ. I owe it to them to be patient and be picky. Without that vision I would surly "run wild" as Proverbs warns about.

How solid is your vision in life? Do you know where God is leading your family? Do you know where God is leading your ministry? Do you know what God has in store for you? Unless you have a clear understanding of what is before you (sometimes God tells us exactly what it is, sometimes God just gives us an idea), you will find it very hard to restrain yourself in the present.


Adam Griffin said...

HA! you started a blog! By Jove, you've gone and done it now!


Lindsey said...

Yup, it's pretty amusing and awesome how what we experience at Elevation with sermons or with our volunteering really affects us all at our core so much that we can't let it be JUST a Sunday thing that we think about. I can honestly say that I have never been at a point in my life where I have been so "connected" at church, with a kids ministry, and about a ton of other things that Elevation has done. It kind of stinks and I almost feel like a heathen for saying that since my dad is a pastor, but I suppose having a father who is a great pastor and having a father who is a great pastor and leader with an equally great church are two entirely different things. Sadly, my family (not due to anything on my father) has experienced the dryer New England version of church where that connection stuff is hard for him to drive into them sometimes even with all of his incredible ideas and desires and visions he has for church.

I'm totally off base now...hahah. Suffice to say: yeah, it's pretty awesome how a lot of us are all on the same wavelength and are experiencing this thing called Elevation at such a high level together. :)

Lindsey said...

And yes, that does say 3:08am...I apparently fell asleep on my couch for a good oh...6 hours.