Thursday, December 13, 2007

Psalm 46:10 (NLV)
“Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”

My blog life has sucked recently. Interestingly enough, where my last hiatus was simply because I wasn't spending enough time with God (therefor I fast ran out of things to talk about) my recent blog deficiencies have been a result of busing myself for the Lord.

My job situation has been both a fantastic learning experience in strengthening my faith in the Lord, and an excellent opportunity to serve in a greater roll than I have been able in the past. I've taken on some projects for the church in both the children's and student ministries, as well as been available to poor into the lives of my peers more than ever before. Aside from being broke (and yet still having plenty of money to feed myself and pay bills, go figure) it's been a pretty awesome experience.

With that said, I notice myself swinging the other way. Instead of being too far in the city to see the forest, now I'm in danger of being too close to see the forest for the trees.

So todays blog is to remind myself and the 3 people that still read this thing that we all need to take a break every now and then and chillax for the Almighty.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Dear Rob:


Your friend Spell Checker

I'm so glad you've been given this opportunity to pursue several things that I know are important to you and that you want to invest in at church. While it can be disconcerting at times thinking about not having a job yet, I know the Lord must really be using this time to invest in YOU and your relationship with Him, the church, and your friends. :) And can I say AMEN to just taking a minute to breathe? I'm so excited about a lengthy opportunity to do so is coming up for me.